



Application of SMT crystal vibration in mouse

Release date:2020-06-08

  Now entering the 21st century, people have been everywhere to enter the life of electronic products, of course, if you talk about electronic products, mobile phones are our belongings, go to the bathroom without a mobile phone is not called to the bathroom. Mobile phones are coming of age. In the age of reading, Nokia is a very popular company. Have you heard anything else? When the phone first came out, our bird-branded phone said maybe some of our post-90s partners didn't understand the brand. Life becomes fluid. If you say television is a must in every home, then computers are now more powerful than televisions. Therefore, the development trend of computer is also inevitable. The same is true of the mouse on the computer. If you have a computer, you have a mouse.

  So what happens when we use a mouse? It's like accidentally waiting for the mouse to slide, and the computer is on an undisplayed basis; Or the left and right mouse keys are not flexible, unable to achieve its required action; Or when the mouse is conspicuously stationary, the mouse arrow moves up and down the display. And so on. What are the basic causes of these problems? Some people say that the mouse in the crystal oscillator inside what is the problem. The first student to come up with this answer you should know the basics of what crystal vibration does inside the mouse and what functions it performs.

  Now all digital and electronic building need a reference frequency, stability and a small amount of components at the current price to sell hui garden crystal crystal, and is widely used in various sizes of electronic building products, such as computer peripherals, computer motherboards, construction noise, mouse and keyboard, etc., we are commonly used cell phone motherboard, motherboard bluetooth, wireless headphones, and so on. Mobile phones and Bluetooth are commonly used for SMT crystal vibration. Compared with mouse, bluetooth and other products are also high-end electronic products. Any electronic product that can be named will have a crystal oscillator. However, crystal vibration is a frequency component, and different frequencies play different roles and functions in different buildings.

  Mouse, is the abbreviation of computer input method, has wired and wireless sub. The use of a mouse is designed to allow the computer to easily double the controls without cumbersome keyboard instructions. The mouse usually needs to use is 6MHZ piezoelectric ceramic crystal vibration, the industry called ceramic crystal vibration, ceramic resonator, why not use 6M quartz crystal vibration and use 6M ceramic crystal vibration? It is well known that quartz crystals vibrate much more accurately than ceramic crystals, and they are relatively expensive.

  Ceramic crystal oscillator application platform is usually some low-end electronic products, such as remote control, low-end toys. In this case, the ceramic crystal plays a role in the mouse, which is the clock generator, but the frequency characteristics of the building are controlled by the crystal, as we saw in the communication frequency and speed between the wireless mouse and the wireless receiver. The direction of the mouse crosses the mouse pad, and the frequency of the crystal is emitted by the mouse, creating an association between the receivers on the computer. Therefore, if the mouse is sliding over the pad, but the cursor on the computer is still unresponsive, you need to consider whether the crystal vibration in the mouse is broken or other causes. If the crystal vibrator is broken, there's no need to deliberately look for a replacement crystal vibrator, a mouse with dozens of things, you're looking for crystal vibrators that someone else bought and no one wants to sell to you unless they're compelling in terms of maintenance and of course it works. In addition, such ceramic crystal vibrations are not as expensive as those of quartz crystals, and not everyone is willing to sell you separately. So don't bother to save time.

  Any small crystal vibration has a relative role in any electronic building, clearly grasp the role of crystal vibration in each product, can be simple and easy to analyze the basis of product problems.